Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Job Again............

Well, here it is again about me blogging that I need a job. It seems that every time I blog about it I usually see God work. That he has it all planned and he is teaching me to let go and be patient. So, again I am letting go and giving it to God. I just have a couple of request.

1)An awesome evening job that pays well, more hours and is not graveyard also, preferably not cleaning.
2)A day time job that pays well so that I can afford childcare and pay bills.
3)work that I can do from home during the day and then go to evening job.

If none of that happens then I will just be patient and wait it out.

My hearts desire is number 2. I am ready to have my family back again at night. I miss Shaun and would love to put the kids to bed at night. I feel that I am ready to be away from the kids. Hannah is ready for preschool. She is always talking about going to school. Ethan needs sometime away from mommy. He is almost one and very active. Ethan is ready to be around other little kids then his sister. I would have Ethan go to an in home daycare because I do not like the big day cares for infants.

I will let blog again later to let you know what God does.

1 comment:

faintnot said...

I'm praying for you, Autumn, that your needs are met quickly! He is able!