Monday, February 11, 2008

Great Book

I just finished reading an awesome book. Don't you love it when your unsure about the book, but as you start to read it captures you after the first couple of pages. Well that was how the book P.S. I Love You was. It is a bout a 30 year old woman from Dublin and how she weaves her way through the grief process after the death of her husband. I cried and laughed a couple of times through out the book. I normally don't recommend books but this book had a nice flow and only a hand flow of swearing. So if you see it at the library get it, sorry I don't remember the authors name. Also, they reasently made the book into a movie. Hopefully Shaun and I can have a date night so we can see it.

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Job Again............

Well, here it is again about me blogging that I need a job. It seems that every time I blog about it I usually see God work. That he has it all planned and he is teaching me to let go and be patient. So, again I am letting go and giving it to God. I just have a couple of request.

1)An awesome evening job that pays well, more hours and is not graveyard also, preferably not cleaning.
2)A day time job that pays well so that I can afford childcare and pay bills.
3)work that I can do from home during the day and then go to evening job.

If none of that happens then I will just be patient and wait it out.

My hearts desire is number 2. I am ready to have my family back again at night. I miss Shaun and would love to put the kids to bed at night. I feel that I am ready to be away from the kids. Hannah is ready for preschool. She is always talking about going to school. Ethan needs sometime away from mommy. He is almost one and very active. Ethan is ready to be around other little kids then his sister. I would have Ethan go to an in home daycare because I do not like the big day cares for infants.

I will let blog again later to let you know what God does.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Every Day Life

I have a wrong title for my blog it should not say daily maybe weekly or monthly!

The new year has begun and I am doing the same thing I normally do. Take care of the kids, work, and go to my mommy groups. It keeps us busy and before I know it another week has gone by.

I am still looking to do some extra work but Shaun and I have decided to see if I really need to get a part-time job on the weekend. The job for Nevada Power was great but it was really hard not having anytime, ex specially for Shaun and I. I am looking to do some partime babysitting just to make some extra money. I am also praying that opportunity opens up so that I can still be home with the kids and maybe not have to work at night. I don't know if that can even be a possibly but I can pray.

Ethan is getting big. He is now a pro at crawling and has learned how to pull up and is doing a little cruising. He is starting to get a personality. He's happy go lucky and goes with the flow, but he does like to mess with Hannah (may be the other way around). Hannah is starting to understand what it is like to have a little brother. He loves to go in her room and play with her toys, she can not handle it and they end up screaming and yelling at each other, besides the actional fighting Ethan and Hannah get along well.

Monday, December 31, 2007

A New Year Is About To Begin

I can not believe another year has gone by. So much has happen in the year 2007.

Planted a Church
Bought a new house
Had a new baby!
Shaun said good bye to subbing and hello to an office job.
Shaun started school to become a teacher (watch out kids!)

I know that there is so much more but my memory is not as good a it use to be now that I am 30!

What I would like to happen in the year 2008?

I would like our life to slow down abit. Hopefully no milestones this year.

Autumn- continue to work and stay home with kids during the day. Find a partime job that doesn't interfere with our home life to much. Take my health very seriously and lose some weight. Continue going to the Mom to Mom class and play date on Thursday.

Shaun- Have sometime to rest. He is going to have a busy year with school, work, church and family. I know he can do it.

Hannah- Learning...... I think this will be the year that she will learn even more then she has learned so far. She is a sponge. Wants an answer to everything, asks tons of questions and has a very active imagination.

Ethan - milestones..... crawling, walking and talking. My baby will start to grow up :(

This it what I think will happen, but having God in our lives can change things because he has a plan and what ever is thrown our way we can handle it.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Long Two Weeks

It has been a long two weeks. I have been dealing with some health issues on my end and I have had to have some tests done. I talked to the doctor today and everything seems to be okay I just have to be checked out again in the next three months. Wondering what I am talking about? I will try to explain.

If you know me you know that the women in my family deal with cancer. My aunt has had breast cancer two times, the first time at 29 years old and again at 41. right now she is in remission. My grandmother had breast cancer at 39 and then in her fifty's she got ovarian and died soon after the diagnose. My mother died of ovarian cancer at 45. She fought it for 4 years but the cancer won. With this information I am seeing a oncologist to do preventive. My self and the doctor defiantly think it is genetic, but I am unable to be tested because my insurance will not pay and I cannot afford the test, it is three thousand dollars for the blood test.

The doctor I found is an awesome doctor he is very thorough. He scheduled me to have a mammogram and a breast MRI done. The mammogram was clear but the MRI showed a nodule in my chest. I had to go for a CT scan to have a better look. There was so much going through my head when I heard that they found something. I have been trying to prepare myself for this because there is a high chance I may get cancer someday, but after hearing the news I knew that I will never be prepared and that I just have to trust in God and also that whatever it may be that it is caught in time. My mother told me that she knew something was wrong but she was afraid and she waited. We don't know if she would have gone in earlier if it would of helped, but she said that she regretted it and for me to not take any chances. If I am unsure to make an appointment just to ease my mind. anyways.. I saw the doctor today and he said that they actually found two nodules. One in my chest and the other by my heart sac. They are very small (4mm) and to small and dangerous to biopsy because of where they are located. My tumor counts are normal so he feels that they are just to be kept an eye on just in case they get bigger then we will go from there. In three months I go back for another CT scan. Its scary but I know that I have done everything in my power to make sure I have taken precautions and will not regret or ever think what if.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Awesome God

Last week when I blogged I was talking about my part-time job ending and needing another one, also that I was not going to worry about it and just see what happens.

Well the next day I was at work and the office manager approached me and asked who the custodian is on Sundays when we have church at the school. I said I guess it would be me. She told me that by law a custodian needs to be at the school when a church meets and they are also paid time and a half. So I am now being paid for being there on Sundays, also I was told that I will be back paid for the 39 weeks that we have been using the school. Shaun and I were thrilled.

It is an awesome feeling to know that if you give it to God he will provide. I wish I would have done that with so many other things in my life it would have caused much less heartache. Guess that's why they call it growing and learning from you mistakes.

I still need to make up a little bit more money, but I know it will come from somewhere.