Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Long Two Weeks

It has been a long two weeks. I have been dealing with some health issues on my end and I have had to have some tests done. I talked to the doctor today and everything seems to be okay I just have to be checked out again in the next three months. Wondering what I am talking about? I will try to explain.

If you know me you know that the women in my family deal with cancer. My aunt has had breast cancer two times, the first time at 29 years old and again at 41. right now she is in remission. My grandmother had breast cancer at 39 and then in her fifty's she got ovarian and died soon after the diagnose. My mother died of ovarian cancer at 45. She fought it for 4 years but the cancer won. With this information I am seeing a oncologist to do preventive. My self and the doctor defiantly think it is genetic, but I am unable to be tested because my insurance will not pay and I cannot afford the test, it is three thousand dollars for the blood test.

The doctor I found is an awesome doctor he is very thorough. He scheduled me to have a mammogram and a breast MRI done. The mammogram was clear but the MRI showed a nodule in my chest. I had to go for a CT scan to have a better look. There was so much going through my head when I heard that they found something. I have been trying to prepare myself for this because there is a high chance I may get cancer someday, but after hearing the news I knew that I will never be prepared and that I just have to trust in God and also that whatever it may be that it is caught in time. My mother told me that she knew something was wrong but she was afraid and she waited. We don't know if she would have gone in earlier if it would of helped, but she said that she regretted it and for me to not take any chances. If I am unsure to make an appointment just to ease my mind. anyways.. I saw the doctor today and he said that they actually found two nodules. One in my chest and the other by my heart sac. They are very small (4mm) and to small and dangerous to biopsy because of where they are located. My tumor counts are normal so he feels that they are just to be kept an eye on just in case they get bigger then we will go from there. In three months I go back for another CT scan. Its scary but I know that I have done everything in my power to make sure I have taken precautions and will not regret or ever think what if.

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